SR-22 is a certificate of insurance that proves you carry car insurance. Some people refer to it as SR 22 car insurance, or a certificate of financial responsibility (CFR) filing. The SR22 simply states you’re meeting your state’s car insurance coverage requirements for driving over a specified amount of time.

What is an SR-22?
An SR-22 is a certificate of financial responsibility required for some drivers by their state or court order. An SR-22 is not an actual "type" of insurance, but a form filed with your state. This form serves as proof your auto insurance policy meets the minimum liability coverage required by state law.

What is an FR-44?
An FR-44 is like an SR-22 form in that it proves that a driver is carrying active liability insurance that meets or exceeds state minimum coverage requirements.* However, an FR-44 typically includes higher liability requirements than state minimums or SR-22 minimum insurance coverages. Check Rates = 314-833-4144

Is there a fee associated with an SR-22/FR-44?
- Most states charge a flat fee, but others require a surcharge.
- This is a one-time fee you must pay when we file the SR-22/FR-44. The only time you will have to pay more is if your policy lapses.
- A filing fee is charged for each individual SR-22/FR-44 we file. For example, if your spouse is on your policy and both of you need an SR-22/FR-44, then the filing fee will be charged twice.
Who needs an SR-22 Insurance?
You are most likely to be required to file an SR-22 if:
- You are convicted of a DUI/DWI.
- You are found to be driving while uninsured.
- You are involved in a serious injury-causing accident.
- You have a large number of points on your driving record.

How long is the SR-22/FR-44 insurance valid?
Your SR-22/FR-44 should be valid as long as your insurance policy is active. If your insurance policy is canceled while you're still required to carry an SR-22/FR-44, we are required to notify the proper state authorities. If you don't maintain continuous coverage you could lose your driving privileges & renew policy.

Do I need an SR-22/FR-44 Insurance?
Not everyone needs an SR-22/FR-44. Regulations vary from state to state. Usually, it is required by the court or mandated by the state only for certain driving-related violations. For example:
- DUI convictions
- Reckless driving
- Accidents caused by uninsured drivers
- No Insurance tickets
If you need an SR-22/FR-44, the courts or your state Motor Vehicle Department will notify you.
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How do I get an SR-22 Policy?
Because SR-22s are primarily linked with serious violations, purchasing and filing an SR-22 is not as simple as sending a standard proof of auto insurance to your DMV.
You will first need to contact your car insurance company to inform them of your need for an SR-22 certificate of financial responsibility. Note that an SR-22 requirement will typically change your insurance risk factor to high, which means your car insurance company may not offer to file an SR-22 for you because they do not cover high-risk drivers. This means you may have to find a new insurance provider.

Once you've found a company to insure you, you will need to have them file the SR-22 with the appropriate government department. You cannot file an SR-22 on your own.
An SR-22 is meant to be certified proof that you have and will continue to have the legally mandated required car insurance limits. To guarantee authenticity, the SR-22 must come straight from the car insurance provider.

Will my insurance rates go up?
While car insurance rates are specific to every driver, you can expect to pay more when you are given an SR-22 filing requirement.
SR-22 insurance requirements are directly related to violations and incidents that are almost guaranteed to increase your rates.
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